By Dr Annahita Nezami, VROE and Egbert Mulder, Circular Leadership 09 Dec, 2021
“I believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance, their outlook would be fundamentally changed” - Michael Collins, Apollo 14.
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 Earth from Space
A Leadership Journey 

An innovative workshop for sustainable leaders with a 30-minute multisensory VR experience based on the Overview Effect.

This event is drawn from the Circular Leadership and VROE course for leaders. This full curriculum is based on the development of Insights, Intentions, Competences and Actions for forward thinking leaders and organisations wanting to play an active and positive role in creating a thriving future for Humankind on Planet Earth. 

Part of the event is our 30 minute VR Overview Effect for Leaders. A ground breaking, immersive virtual reality program, based on NASA’s Blue Marble data set and developed by Circular Leadership and VROE.

Book your place on eventbrite

Thursday 5th May 2022




Friday 6th May 2022




Royal Society of Art (RSA)

8 John Adam St, London WC2N 6EZ

Canapes and drinks will be provided

Check our blog post for some astronaut reflections on their real life experience of the Overview Effect

Join us at the RSA 

A Georgian townhouse providing an inspiring venue RSA House seamlessly combines original period architecture with modern design and technology to create a truly memorable backdrop. 

The term Overview Effect was coined by Frank White to describe the experience of seeing firsthand the reality of the Earth in space, which is immediately understood to be a tiny, fragile ball of life, "hanging in the void", shielded and nourished by a paper-thin atmosphere. From space, national boundaries vanish, the conflicts that divide people become less important.

Join our mailing list!

Please add your name to our mailing list to express

an interest in our work and we will be in touch soon! 


Using virtual reality (VR) aspects of the Overview Effect are recreated. VR offers an 'as close to reality' experience as is possible to give a lasting impact on feelings of wellbeing and to reinforce the message of the workshop.


This workshop is based on the development of Insights, Intentions, Competences and Actions for forward thinking leaders and organisations wanting to play an active and positive role in creating a thriving future for Humankind on Planet Earth. 


As a part of the VR, a guided meditation based on Dr Annahita Nezami's original technique, helps participants reach meditative states and reinforces the Overview Effect's beneficial aspects. 

Music & Haptics

As a part of the VR, a unique combination of music, haptics and binaural beats aims to enhance attendees experience further by increasing levels of relaxation and focus. 

180° VR video

The clip at the top of the page is from a 180 VR video made with our friend Egbert Mulder at Circular Leadership to promote a sustainable approach to business leaders. VR, a meditative script, music, voice-over, haptics and binaural beats where all used to make the final fully immersive VR video.

See the blog post

How we made it

The video was made using models of earth (based on the NASA blue marble dataset), the sun, moon and stars. The models were animated in a game engine to give 40,000 still images, These were edited together with other elements, including music, video sequences, voice-over, binaural beats and haptics to give the final video.

We have more videos planned soon, so sign up to stay in touch!

Research led development

We are testing this program to investigate it's efficacy in eliciting specific responses. In a recent event participants reported feelings of awe and humility. Many talked about compassion for the planet, feelings of oneness, but also about remorse and guilt after witnessing the devastating consequences of human-kind’s thoughtless actions on Earth. Others talked about feelings of sadness, grief, vulnerability, but also about joy and inspiration.

Some recent blog posts.....

By Dr Annahita Nezami, VROE and Egbert Mulder, Circular Leadership 09 Dec, 2021
“I believe that if the political leaders of the world could see their planet from a distance, their outlook would be fundamentally changed” - Michael Collins, Apollo 14.
By Annahita Nezami, DPsych Counselling Psychologist 02 Dec, 2021
Wide Open Spaces and Transcendences (cross-posted from the Human Space Program blog)
By Charles Perring 17 Nov, 2021
As a part of Space Week, at the Institute of Advanced Studies department, University College London (UCL), Virtual Reality Overview Effect (VROE) offered sessions to see the Earth from space via virtual reality.
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